
03:00                                  Matins

05:30 - 06:15                    Divine Reading

06:30                                  Morning Prayer (Lauds)/ Meditation of the daily Gospel reading

07:30                                  Breakfast

08:00                                  Music hour

08:50                                  Third (Intermediary) Hour

09:00                                  Mass

10:20                                  Classes

11:50                                  Sixth / Lunch / Ninth Hour

13:30 -16:30                      Work

16:55                                  Recreation

17:30                                  Vespers /Dinner

18:30                                  Compline

Sundays and Solemnities’ Mass Schedule


Peru and Spain: 12:00

Germany: 11:00


The 13th day of each month:


Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament:

Peru and Germany: 9:00 – 19:00

Spain: 10:00-20:30



Peru and Germany: 17:00 – 19:00

Spain: 20:00 – 20:30


Marian procession followed by mass:

Peru and Germany: 19:00

Spain: 20:30

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